| 副教授、系副主任、硕士生导师 系所:管理科学与工程系 办公室:宝山校区(东区)经管大楼351室 Email:xidezhu@shu.edu.cn 研究方向:行为决策、博弈论、供应链管理、智能交通、运筹优化与应用等 |
2014年荣获日本文部省“国费留学生”全额奖学金,赴横滨国立大学经营学部攻读管理学博士学位。2019年毕业并荣获横滨国立大学“Outstanding Scholarly Achievement”优秀学术奖。攻读博士期间,于2017年赴香港浸会大学开展为期近一年的学术研究工作。
在管理科学与运筹学领域知名期刊发表SSCI/SCI检索论文20余篇,相关学术成果被国内外学者积极评价和多次引用,担任ABS星级期刊《Pacific Journal of Optimization》的客座主编,同时担任IEEE Transactions系列、Transportation Research系列、《运筹与管理》等国内外知名期刊审稿人。
2023.11-今, 太阳成集团tyc33455cc管理科学与工程系副主任
2023.05-今, 太阳成集团tyc33455cc管理科学与工程系支部委员
2022.06-今, 太阳成集团tyc33455cc青年教师联谊会太阳成集团tyc33455cc分会理事
2021.05-今, 上海市运筹学会青年理事、副秘书长
管理学 (本科,经管大类,专业基础课)
金融工程建模与分析 (本科,管理科学-金融工程方向,专业基础课)
博弈论 (研究生,管理科学与工程专业)
科研论文(Under Review & Revision):
30. X. Zhu, H. Cui, G. Lin and Y. Li. Indirect channel expansion and its impact on dual-channel supply chain performance. Under Review, 2023.
29. X. Zhu, T. Wang, X. Han and X. Ma. Carbon emission reduction technology upgradation supported by green finance: Decision-making and coordination in low-carbon supply chains with fairness concerns. Under Review, 2023.
28. Q. Zhang, X. Zhu and G. Lin. Sustainable green practice under cap-and-trade policy: Technology spillover or cross-licensing? Under Review, 2023.
27. X. Zhu, T. Wang, G. Lin and H. Cui. Differential revenue sharing in platform selling: An insightful examination on pricing decisions. Under Review, 2023.
26. X. Zhu, H. Cui, Y. Song and Y. Li. Behavioral operations and coordination analysis in e-commerce supply chain considering negative focus preferences under supplier dominance. Under Review, 2023.
25. P. Chen, G. Lin and X. Zhu. Equilibrium model for hospital competition with stochastic demands based on government subsidies in Chinese mixed market. Under Review, 2023.
24. Y. Li, G. Lin and X. Zhu. Advertising and pricing analysis in store live streaming e-commerce: The impact of service quality preference. Under Review, 2023.
23. P. Chen, G. Lin, W. Xu and X. Zhu. Supply chain network equilibrium with outsourcing for fresh agricultural products under stochastic demands. Under Review, 2023.
22. Y. Li, G. Lin, J. Zhang and X. Zhu. A novel approach for bilevel programs based on Wolfe duality. Under Review, 2023.
21. W. Xu, G. Lin, T. Wang and X. Zhu. Stackelberg pricing game for ride-hailing platforms with combined travel modes. Revision, 2023.
20. G. Lin, W. Xu, B. Zeng and X. Zhu. Pricing strategies and equilibria on ridesharing platforms with competition. Revision, 2023.
19. Q. Zhang, X. Zhu and G. Lin. Green technological cross-licensing strategies with fixed transferred fees among rival firms under cap-and-trade policies. Revision, 2023.
18. Y. Li, G. Lin and X. Zhu. Solving bilevel programs based on lower-level Mond-Weir duality. INFORMS Journal on Computing, 2023. Forthcoming. (UTD24)
17. Q. Zhang, Y. Li, G. Lin and X. Zhu. Operational research models for green technology cross-licensing with known carbon quota trading prices. International Transactions in Operational Research, 2023. Online.
16. Y. Liang, Y. Liu, G. Lin and X. Zhu. New constraint qualifications for mathematical programs with second-order cone complementarity constraints. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 2023, 199(3): 1249-1280. (ABS3/SCI-Q1)
15. P. Guo and X. Zhu. Focus programming: A bilevel programming approach to static stochastic optimization problems. International Transactions in Operational Research, 2023, 30(6): 3833-3862.
14. X. Zhu, Kevin W. Li and P. Guo. A bilevel optimization model for the newsvendor problem with the focus theory of choice. 4OR-A Quarterly Journal of Operations Research, 2023, 21(3): 471-489.
13. J. Zhang and X. Zhu. Linear convergence of Prox-SVRG method for separable nonsmooth convex optimization problems under bounded metric subregularity. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 2022, 192(2): 564-597. (ABS3/SCI-Q1)
12. C. Fang, X. Ma, J. Zhang and X. Zhu. Personality information sharing in supply chain systems for innovative products in the circular economy era. International Journal of Production Research, 2021, 59(19): 5992-6001. (ABS3/SSCI-Q1)
11. P. Chen, G. Lin, X. Zhu and F. Bai. Smoothing newton method for nonsmooth second-order cone complementarity problems with application to electric power markets. Journal of Global Optimization, 2021, 80(3): 635-659. (SCI-Q1)
10. X. Zhu and P. Guo. Bilevel programming approaches to production planning for multiple products with short life cycles. 4OR-A Quarterly Journal of Operations Research, 2020, 18(2): 151-175.
9. X. Zhu and P. Guo. Single-level reformulations of a specific non-smooth bilevel programming problem and their applications. Optimization Letters, 2020, 14(6): 1393-1406.
8. P. Chen, P. Zhang, X. Zhu and G. Lin. Modified Jacobian smoothing method for nonsmooth complementarity problems. Computational Optimization and Applications, 2020, 75(1): 207-235. (ABS3/SCI-Q1)
7. X. Zhu, J. Zhang, J. Zhou and X. Yang. Mathematical programs with second-order cone complementarity constraints: Strong stationarity and approximation method. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 2019, 181(2): 521-540. (ABS3/SCI-Q1)
6. Z. Yang, J. Zhang, X. Zhu and G. Lin. SAA-based infeasible interior-point algorithms for a class of stochastic complementarity problems and their applications. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2019, 352: 382-400. (SCI-Q1)
5. N. Xu, X. Zhu, L. Pang and J. Lv. Improved convergence properties of the relaxation schemes of Kadrani et al. and Kanzow and Schwartz for MPEC. Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, 2018, 35(1): 1850008.
4. X. Zhu and P. Guo. Approaches to four types of bilevel programming problems with nonconvex nonsmooth lower level programs and their applications to newsvendor problems. Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, 2017, 86(2): 255-275.
3. X. Zhu and G. Lin. Improved convergence results for a modified Levenberg-Marquardt method for nonlinear equations and applications in MPCC. Optimization Methods and Software, 2016, 31(4): 791-804. (SCI-Q1)
2. X. Zhu and P. Guo. The one-shot decision theory based production planning models. Proceedings of The 2016 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Bali, 2016.
1. X. Zhu and P. Guo. Solving the one-shot decision theory based newsvendor models. Proceedings of The 2015 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Singapore, 2015.