| 博士、教授、博士生导师、系主任 系所:信管系 办公室:211室 Email:luck_li@shu.edu.cn 研究方向:主要研究方向:大数据与商务人工智能、互联网+商务、社交网络营销、网络游戏开发及运营管理、社交电商及产品管理、信息系统与信息管理、复杂系统建模及演化控制 |
2004年上海交大博士毕业,2004年上海交大讲师,2008年上海交大副教授,2015年太阳成集团tyc33455cc教授、博导,2019年任信息管理系主任。美国佛罗里达大学(UF)访问学者,上海浦江人才。国家自然科学基金及省部级项目评审专家。《Mathematics and Computer Science》期刊编委。《Mathematics》期刊客座编委。主持&参与国家自然科学基金重点项目、面上项目、中港合作项目、以及地方和企业横向项目20余项。出版专著2部,发表论文70余篇,其中在IEEE Transactions、Journal of Travel Research 、Information Sciences、Knowledge-Based Systems、Expert Systems with Applications、Computers & Operations Research、Computers &Industrial Engineering等国际知名期刊上发表论文40余篇。
1. Li, SG and Zhu, BY .The Impact of Cue-Interaction Stimulation on Impulse Buying Intention on Virtual Reality Tourism E-commerce Platforms. JOURNAL OF TRAVEL RESEARCH(JCR:1区), 2023.
2.Li, SG ,Liu, F, Zhang, YQ. Lean persuasive design of electronic word-of-mouth (e-WOM) indexes for e-commerce stores based on Fogg behavior model. Electronic Commerce Research, 2023.
3.Li, SG ,Zhang, YQ, Li, YM .The user preference identification for product improvement based on online comment patch. ELECTRONIC COMMERCE RESEARCH,2021
4.Li S., Song X., Lu H., Zeng L., Shi M., Liu F. Friend recommendation for cross marketing in online brand community based on intelligent attention allocation link prediction algorithm. Expert Systems with Application(JCR:1区), 2020.
5.Li S., Zhang Y., Yu Z., Zhang F., Lu H. Predicting the influence of viral message for VM campaign on Weibo. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications(JCR:2区), 2019.
6.Li S. &Zhu L. The evaluation of Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games based on expanded dependency graph. Information Sciences(JCR:1区),2014.
7.Li S. &Shi, L. The agile improvement of MMORPGs based on the enhanced chaotic neural network. Knowledge-Based Systems (JCR:1区), 2011.
8.Li,S.G. Retail expansion decision based on improved marginal analysis. Expert Systems with Applications(JCR:1区), 2011.
9.Li S. & Rong Y. The reliable design of one-piece flow production system using fuzzy ant colony optimization. Computers &Operations Research(JCR:1区), 2009.
10.Li S. & Kuo X. The inventory management system for automobile spare parts in a central warehouse. Expert Systems
withApplications(JCR:1区), 2008.
11.Li S. & Kuo X. The enhanced quality function deployment for developing virtual items in massive multiplayer online role playing games. Computers &Industrial Engineering(JCR:1区), 2007.
12. Wu, TT , Yu, ZX , Li, SG .Observer-Based Adaptive Fuzzy Quantized Fault-Tolerant Control of Nonstrict-Feedback Nonlinear Systems With Sensor Fault. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON FUZZY SYSTEMS(JCR:1区),2023.
13.Yu, Z., Yan, H., Li, S., & Dong, Y. Approximation-Based Adaptive Tracking Control for Switched Stochastic Strict-Feedback Nonlinear Time-Delay Systems With Sector-Bounded Quantization Input. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems(JCR:1区) 2017.
14.Yu Z X, Li S, Yu Z S, Li F. Adaptive Neural Output Feedback Control for Non-Strict-Feedback Stochastic Nonlinear Systems with Unknown Backlash-Like Hysteresis and Unknown Control Directions. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems(JCR:1区) ,2018.
15.Yu, Z., Yang, Y., Li, S., & Sun, J. Observer-Based Adaptive Finite-Time Quantized Tracking Control of Nonstrict-Feedback Nonlinear Systems With Asymmetric Actuator Saturation. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems (JCR:1区) 2019.
6. 上海市科委软课题重点项目:《价值共创的互助养老时间币智联区块链系统构建及实证研究》,负责人,2023-2024