题目:Persistence of culture: how the entrepreneurial culture of origin contributes to migrants’ entrepreneurial activities 城市创业文化的“烙印作用”与移民的异地创业
杨嬛,现任上海财经大学,城市与区域科学学院的副研究员,博士生导师,上海市晨光学者。2010年毕业于东南大学和香港理工大学联合培养博士生项目。2013-2015年,美国康涅狄格大学商学院访问学者。她的研究领域主要集中在城市经济学、发展经济学方向。先后在国内外期刊中发表了一系列高水平的相关论文,包括Regional Studies, Cities, ASCE Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE Journal of Management in Engineering, Construction Management and Economics等。主持完成国家课题1项,教育部、财政部及上海市课题多项。
Entrepreneurial activities differ substantially across populations. However, whether and how the entrepreneurial culture can contribute to these variations are not yet well understood. With a unique database, the Chinese Labor-force Dynamics Survey (CLDS), this study considers internal migrants rather than international migrants in previous research to explore the entrepreneurial culture of origin’s effect on their entrepreneurial activities and unveil the involved mechanisms. Internal migrants have cut most of their links with their origins. However, the entrepreneurial culture of origin, represented by the start-up rate of 2004 and historical start-up rate (1848-1916), can still significantly predict migrants’ entrepreneurial activities in host cities, confirming the existence and persistence of entrepreneurial culture. Further analysis reveals that this persistent effect is due to social capital, role model effect, and entrepreneurial personality trait. Through these channels, the intangible entrepreneurial culture of origin can be transformed into tangible business opportunities and migrants’ willingness and capability of doing business, which persistently stimulate their entrepreneurial activities in host cities.