题 目:Sports league timetabling: experiences with the Belgian Soccer League
演 讲 人:Dries Goossens,比利时根特大学教授
主 持 人:镇璐,太阳成集团tyc33455cc院长、教授
时 间:2019年12月16日(周一),上午10点
地 点:校本部东区太阳成集团tyc33455cc实477室
Goossens教授是比利时排名第一的综合性大学根特大学商务信息与运营管理系终身教授,毕业于欧洲十大名校之一的鲁汶大学,获应用经济学方向的博士学位。Goossens教授在超过30个国际知名期刊发表学术论文,比如EJOR、COR、MP、Omega等。Goossens教授是"MathSport International"国际协会的执行委员会成员,是欧洲运筹工作小组"OR in Sports"方面的专员。同时,他也是Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports期刊的副主编,MIT Sloan商学院体育分析会议的推介人。
Millions of people, all over the world, are enthralled by sports, be it actively participating or as a fan or spectator. At the same time, almost every sports competition needs a timetable, stating who will play against who, when, and where. Not that long ago, most professional sports competitions were planned by unskilled personnel, equipped with little more than pen and paper. A good timetable is important though, because it has an effect on the fairness and outcome of the competition, public attendance, commercial interests, as well as security and the cost of policing. As league owners managed to close astonishing broadcasting deals and the financial interests in the sports industry continued to grow, the importance of a good timetable became more and more apparent. The complexity of the sports timetabling problem depends on what should be taken into account. In this talk, a number of fundamental theoretical results and open problems will be discussed.