题 目:Do You Want to Bet? New Service Operations Business Models Leveraging Consumers’ Present-Biased Preferences (会成功吗?利用消费者当前偏好的新服务运营业务模型)
演 讲 人:郑兴,美国佛罗里达大学沃灵顿商学院终身教授
主 持 人:熊励,太阳成集团tyc33455cc教授
时 间:2019年6月18日(周二)上午10:00
地 点:校本部东区太阳成集团tyc33455cc420室
郑兴教授现任美国佛罗里达大学沃灵顿商学院终身教授及 John B. Higdon 杰出讲座教授,原佛罗里达大学信息系统与运营管理系(Information System and Operation Management)系主任。研究方向为电子商务、互联网技术对软件开发和营销的影响、信息系统政策问题等方面。郑教授发表的论文"Toward a Profile of Student Piraters"成为 Journal of Business Ethics 创刊 30 周年以来精选最优秀论文之一。郑教授发表论文"The Debate on Net Neutrality – A Policy Perspective"被近 152,000 网站引用,同时被刊登在美国《商业周刊》;发表论文"Estimating Social Influences from Social Networking Sites"获得 2015 年国际顶级决策科学期刊Decision Sciences Journal 最卓越贡献奖。郑教授曽任国际 A+顶级期刊 Information Systems Research副主编,目前同时兼任国际 A+顶级期刊 Decision Sciences Journal 和 Journal of the Association for Information Systems 的副主编及資深主編,并曾任运营管理 A+顶级期刊 Production and Operations Management 特刊主编。
New service operations business models betting on consumers’ "present-biased preferences", the human tendency of making time-inconsistent intertemporal choices and exhibiting naïvete about their self-control, have been proliferating recently. Of critical interest to both the academia and the industry is whether these new service operations business models generate a higher profit than the traditional retailer model, and whether the merchant’s optimal choice of business model conforms to that of the social planner with the aim of maximizing social welfare. We build a stylized model to address these intriguing questions. Our results show that consumers’ valuation of the underlying product or service, how naïve consumers are in believing meeting the requirement in the future, and how differently consumers treat losses versus gains are three key factors affecting the profitability of these new service operations models.