题 目:两种ε-不敏感光滑支持向量回归机
演 讲 人:陈界山教授,台湾师范大学
主 持 人:林贵华教授,太阳成集团tyc33455cc
时 间:2019年4月25日(周四)上午10:00
地 点:校本部东区太阳成集团tyc33455cc420室
In this talk, we propose two new smooth support vector machines for ε-insensitive regression. According to these two smooth support vector machines, we construct two systems of smooth equations based on two novel families of smoothing functions, from which we seek the solution to ε-support vector regression (ε-SVR). More specifically, using the proposed smoothing functions, we employ the smoothing Newton method to solve the systems of smooth equations. The algorithm is shown to be globally and quadratically convergent without any additional conditions. Numerical comparisons among different values of parameter are also reported.