第一讲 暨"太阳成集团tyc33455cc可持续过程优化研究中心(CPI)"及"太阳成集团tyc33455cc全球精益六西格玛认证中心"成立仪式
主题发言:Introduction and Implementation Strategy of CPI and Lean Six Sigma(可持续过程优化及精益六西格玛引论和实现策略)
时间:2009年6月11日 14:00pm
第二讲 Strategic Business Process Management with Lean Six Sigma
讲座内容简介:Lean Six Sigma (LSS) is the most influential business process management methodology that has ensured the high quality and productivity as well as low cost of products/services of the major western country enterprises in the past twenty years. This seminar will introduce its fundamental concepts, main body of knowledge, typical use cases, and common misconceptions and pitfalls in adopting LSS. It will also introduce the current international LSS education/certification frameworks and a proposal to launch LSS academic and certification programs at Shanghai University.
第三讲 Scientific Business Process Management with Lean Six Sigma
讲座内容简介:Lean Six Sigma (LSS) is the most influential data-driven business process management methodology built on top of the strong scientific foundation of applied statistics. This seminar uses non-mathematical plain language and concrete examples to illustrate the major statistical tools underlying LSS, and demonstrate how people with limited mathematical background can complete all complex statistical tasks of LSS projects with the help of IT tools like Excel, Minitab, SAS, or SPSS. The seminar is also a showcase of the latest computing virtualization technology to be used in Shanghai University LSS programs so students can practice LSS on any computer anywhere.