
【实习信息】ADP 招聘财务部实习生

创建时间:  2014-02-18  李勤   浏览次数:

要求大学二,三年级或研究生一年级,会计或财务管理相关专业学生。耐心细心,学习能力强,热爱财会工作,每周能够保证工作3-4天。 职位的具体要求如下: Key Responsibility l Assist in preparation for billing & collection and related reporting. l Assist in preparing various monthly billing’s distribution , AR collection’s matching, booking, checking (training will be given). l Ad hoc tasks required by Finance department. Key Requirements l Student who is getting Bachelor in Accounting (Third year student in University preferred). l Relevant working / intern experience in Accounting preferred l Oracle experience a plus but not compulsory l Good command of English in reading and writing l Good command of Microsoft Excel, Word, Power Point, etc. l Good teamwork spirit, detail-oriented, result-oriented, hardworking, quick learner with low error rate. l ‘Closing -Reporting period’ would be around 24th to 5th following month. Candidate is generally not expected to be absent during this critical period. l Could work from Mar to Dec 2014, at least 3 days per week. l 3rd year university students are preferred. 公司介绍 2009年,ADP成立安德普翰人力资源服务(上海)有限公司,旨在为中国市场带来更全面的本土化人力资源外包解决方案。在中国的几年内,ADP取得了蓬勃的发展,并获得CCH- China Staff “年度最佳人力资源服务外包公司”(2009)、“上海市服务外包重点企业”的荣誉称号。未来,我们将一如既往地坚持走在行业的最前列,锐意进取、创造历史,因为我们是企业背后的核心推动力。 ADP是世界最大的业务外包和人力资本管理解决方案提供商,年收入超110亿美金,在超过125个国家为近620,000家客户提供服务。凭借60多年的行业经验,ADP提供全面的人力资源、薪酬、人才管理、税务及福利管理解决方案,并帮助客户实现合规。ADP的简便易用的解决方案为各种不同类型及规模的公司创造高价值。ADP同时也为全球车辆经销商提供世界领先的集成化计算机信息解决方案。 请有意向的同学命名邮件“vision ADP+姓名+学号+专业+手机+邮箱”,并附以相同命名的个人简历,发送至邮箱vision_career@126.com。




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