

创建时间:  2014-03-21  李晓磊   浏览次数:

课程简介(Course Description
任课教师:Wolfgang Kremser
 (Professor, Dipl. Ing. Dr. techn., University of Applied Sciences Vorarlberg, Austria)
1.       学生应了解企业流程管理在公司运营发展中所扮演的角色,能够运用"映射"和"再造"工具对流程进行改进以推动公司的发展;在开发项目中学会如何扮演团队领导的角色;掌握流程管理的重要方法;而作为未来的实践者,应详细掌握流程再造的主流方法。
2.       课程旨在提供一个深入的视角帮助学生了解企业再造和流程管理的重要方法,以便于他们掌握企业内部和企业之间流程分析、流程设计和流程编制的应用方法和技能。
3.       学生应学会如何设计和执行企业的流程管理系统,并掌握对已经存在的流程管理系统进行持续改进的重要方法。
1.      Burlton, R. 2001. Business Process Management. Profiting from Process. SAMS.
2.       教学中提供的其他学习资料
课前作业           20%
考勤及课堂参与度   20%
课堂口头报告       20%
书面报告或笔试     40%
Course Name (Credits) Reengineering the Business – new ways to success
Instructor(s): Prof. DI Dr. Wolfgang KREMSER
Students understand the role of business process management in the development of business operations in a company. In addition, students are able to utilize business process mapping and re-engineering as a tool in company’s development work. Students become enabled to act as team leaders in a development project. Students have a fundamental understanding of the most important methods presently at their disposal, and - as future practitioners - they have a detailed understanding of leading methods.
The course is aimed primarily to give an in depth look at the most important methods available. Students gain the skills for the application of the methods for process analysis, process design and process documentation of intra-and inter-company processes.
Students become enabled to design and implement process management systems in companies as well as the continuous improvement of an existing process management system. Processes and their importance to improve competitiveness are known and can be communicated by way of examples. The benefits of process management for the improvement of existing processes and for the development of new procedures can be identified and can be documented with examples. The differences between process management and business process reengineering are known and can be explained with examples. The main methods of process management can be targeted applied in practice.
This course examines the performance of functional organizational models as these relate to the increasing dynamics of all parts of operation management - sales, production and procurement. After a certain point, the advantages of both flexibility and transaction costs outweigh the advantages of a functional division of labor. This leads to structured Process Management.
Both the improvement and redesign of business processes has become a dominant theme in business practice and economic theory. The approach of an integrated, cross-functional, process-oriented redesign has established itself as an effective tool for improving competitiveness, survival and viability of the enterprise.
Both consulting firms and research institutes from different "schools of thought" and regions have developed a number of methods used, which differ to some extent. Business Process Modeling with ARIS (Architecture of Integrated Information Systems) is one of the most sophisticated tools.
The main contents include Drivers of business change; Principles of Process Management; Configuring Business Processes; Charting the Course of Change; Understanding the Existing Situation; Designing the Renewed Processes and Implementing and Rolling Out the Business Solution as well.
Text Books and Reference Books:
Burlton, R. 2001. Business Process Management. Profiting from Process. SAMS.
Readers provided by the lecturer.
Performance Evaluation and Score Assessment:
Assessment is based on the following criteria:
Pre-Assignment                                           20%
Participation and activeness in class       20%
Presentation of results                            20%
Written examination                               40%
To pass the course 60 % of the total amount of available points is required, for excellent grade 90%.
The student is familiar with basic company operations as well as with the business to business environment.
Targeted Students:
Business students in their 2nd or 3rd year of studies




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